Read Me!
You use the software available on this "GhaniLog Software" site at your own risks. They work correctly on my own computer (for I USE them everyday! I'm not a Big-brotheresque company...), and have been tested in various configurations without producing deadly problems ;-) for the computers used.
However the many possible hardware and software configurations, so as the lack of reliability of the Micro$oft's operating systems cannot allow me to to 'absolutely' reassure you that the software will properly work on your machine.
Consequently, I cannot be held responsible for any problem involving my software.
Anyway, I'll do my best to help you by email only. See the contact page

About PGP
I've signed the install files and the included exes.
See contact page for details

If you do not agree with this statement, well... Nobody forces you to download and try my excellent programs !!! ;-)